Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common. Most can be treated, so it's best to test and catch them early even if you have no symptoms.

You may feel worried about getting tested for STIs but it’s easy and confidential. 

There are two options. The best one to choose depends on whether you have any symptoms.

  1. If you have symptoms of an STI, or you’re worried someone you’ve had sex with might have an STI, it’s best that you visit a clinic. That’s because you may need extra tests.
  2. If you do not have any symptoms, you can order a home testing kit online, as long as you are aged 16 or over. It’s simple, quick and confidential. 

Your testing kit will be sent to you in a plain package, so no one you live with will know what it is. It comes with clear instructions and a pre-paid pouch for you to post your samples back. You’ll get your results by text within a week. 

It’s best to use an online testing kit if you’ve changed sexual partners or have had multiple sexual partners, even if you do not have symptoms. 

You need to wait for at least two weeks after possible exposure to an STI, such as the last time you had unprotected sex, before a test result will be accurate. If you are not sure about dates, you could do a test now and one later.

If you think you could have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours (3 days), go to a sexual health clinic or A&E as soon as you can. You can get PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), a medicine that can stop you being infected by HIV after the virus has entered your body.

If you’re aged 16 or over, you can order a free and confidential STI test online from our partner SH:24.

Simply answer some questions and a test kit will be suggested based on the information you’ve given. The kit will be sent to your home in a plain pack. You’ll get a text once it’s been sent out.

If you’re under 16 you will need to go to a sexual health clinic for testing. It’s confidential so try not to worry. Contact our information and booking line on 0800 328 3383 for more support and advice.

If you’re worried about an STI that SH:24 does not test for, visit your local clinic.

Inside the kit you’ll find clear instructions and all the things you need to take your sample or samples. The SH:24 online testing kit works just as well as the tests used in clinics. Most people find them easy to use. 

Depending on what STIs you are testing for, you may need to give a pee sample and a blood sample. Less often, you may need to do a mouth or bottom (rectal) swab. 

The kit will contain a freepost return pack so you can send your samples back to a lab for testing. You have to send your samples back on the same day you take them. You’ll get a text message when the lab receives them.

You can find out more about how to use SH:24’s home testing tests, such as tips on taking a blood sample. 

You’ll receive your STI results by text, within a week. If you have an infection, we’ll advise how you can get treatment and further support. If you have chlamydia, we can send your treatment in the post. 

If we think you need more tests, we can help you find a clinic.

Once you know you have an STI, you should let your current and past partners know so they can get tested and treated too. We can do this for you. We can contact past and current partners by text for you so they can get tested. We will not give your name. You can use this service even if you’re being treated outside Derbyshire.